The Economic Development and Employment Counselors position for Wahta Mohawks is held by Bill Roberts. Bill has been living on the Territory for the past four year, having moved from Western Canada where he spent the past twenty-five year in retail management and real estate sales. The father of three grown sons, two are settled in their careers and one is completing his final year at the University of Manitoba. Bill is an avid sportsman and excels in golf and competitive curling. In early spring of each year, you can find Bill out working at the maple sugar bush collecting sap and making maple syrup. Bill has held the position of Employment Counselor for the past four years. With his background in business and management, Bill was able to step into the Economic Development position when it became vacant two years ago.
The Economic Development Officer and the Employment Counselor are both accountable to the Administrator. The main responsibilities of the EDO is to research, develop and create innovative economic development opportunities beneficial to the community. The Employment Counselor provides assistance, counsel and information to worker clients on all aspects of employment search and career planning.
The employment office works hand in hand with Kagita Mikam to provide employment and training opportunities to all Aboriginal people living in East Central Ontario. Also, the Aboriginal Labor Force Development Circle has good information at their site. You can also visit Human Resources Development Canada for more information about the labor market and job opportunities.